Monday, September 26, 2011


today is kinda terible i have shcoolwork but like 12 things so by

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY Monday September 26, 2011

Outside my window... Sunshine and quiet

I am thinking... about the $5000 estimate I got to repair my van's transmission.  

I am thankful for... that my only current problem is the $5000 and not something that affects the health or livelihood of my family (trying to keep some perspective)

From the learning rooms... starting Week 7 of MFW.  We have a full week and I am hoping we settle back into a nice rhythm 

From the kitchen... Turkey Burgers.  Thanks to some actual forethought,  I have a plan for this week.

I am wearing... pjs. 

I am creating... menu lists for the next few weeks

I am going... to the pediatrician for M's yearly check-up. 

I am reading... Marrying Daisy Bellamy by Susan Wiggs and still trying to finish All That is Bitter & Sweet by Ashley Judd

I am hoping... that I am able to complete all of our school work this week after a couple unexpected activities popped up

I am hearing... Tyler growling at me about his day

Around the house...  the usual floors to be mopped, bathrooms to be cleaned and laundry to be washed

One of my favorite things... chocolate

A few plans for the rest of the week..PE, HS Co-Op, Play date, Art Co-Op

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekly Menu 9/25/11

B- Daddy's Choice
L -
D - Steak, leftover rice & beans

B- Eggs
L - Mini Pizzas on English Muffins
D - Turkey burgers, applesauce, veggies

B- Muffins
L - Pasta salad
D - Pork roast & rice


B- Cereal
L - Quesadilla
D - Italian beef n beans over pasta


B- Waffles
L - Raviolli
D - Meatball sliders, leftover pasta salad


B- Egg McMuffins
L - Sandwiches
D - Leftovers


B- Kids Choice
L - Meatball soup
D - Pizza, salad

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rome to the Reformation (RTR) Week 6 cont

Our week went pretty well.  It still felt like we had A LOT of reading to do, so I am not sure how we would have accomplished it all in one week.  The downside of our 2 slow weeks is that now the kids are back to not wanting to do much.  They forget what a full day is like and I had some complaints this week.

Also this week we started going back to the park for our weekly play date with homeschooling friends.  We have not gone all summer because of the heat.  We currently meet in the mornings so Friday afternoons are difficult for us to complete our schoolwork.  It's not just the kids that have issues with motivation on these days.  Normally our curriculum does do light Fridays, but because of Co-op on Thursdays we had to move our Thursday assignments to Fridays.  I think I am still trying to do too much on some days so I may try to space out all our language arts assignments.  Do the rest of you do spelling, English, reading and writing all on the same day?  We don't always, but usually are doing 2-3 every day.

- Tyler actually did his writing strands on his own this week without me having to walk him through each step
- Maggie was motivated and finished her school work early every day (except for the joint activities)
- the kids both are enjoying the Spanish lessons in Co-Op

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rome to the Reformation (RTR) Week 6

This past week and our upcoming week are full of lots of activities, so I actually have broken Week 6 into a two week period.  This week we still did all of our English, Math, etc with the exception of writing.  I felt we needed a small break so we will start our writing again next week.  The kids were fairly cooperative this week, but many of the days we only were focused on 1 or 2 things before we headed off to an activity.

Monday:  We were supposed to go to a friend's house, but they ended up with the stomach flu so we stayed home and did a full day of curriculum.

Tuesday:  We had a full day planned, with a break at 11 for my chiropractor appointment.  I drove the 30 minutes to my appointment, waited 30 minutes and then the assistant came over to apologize and let me know my visits had exceeded the allowable benefits.  Bummer!  I am glad that they are so nice to me there or I would have been super mad.  It was unfortunate that I wasted part of my day for nothing, but I let it go and headed back home to finish our day.

Wednesday:  Our local homeschooling group had a "Back to School" party today.  We gathered at a clubhouse for some snacks, outdoor play and swimming.  It was pretty hot but the kids had a good time and we ended up meeting a couple new families.  I did make the kids do a few more assignments when we got home, but I knew the rest of our week was packed.

Thursday:  This is our co-op day so we only ever plan on doing handwriting and one other assignment.  For some reasons Thursdays also start off with me grumpy.  I think I need to get up earlier so I have time to sit and relax before I start scurrying around.  I need my down time.

Friday:  Today was another groups "Not Back to School" meet-up at one of the Disney Parks.  We had debated going and I finally decided to commit midweek.  We planned on meeting the group at 10am and then meeting up with one of Maggie's friends at 12:30.  We did leave the house on time at 9:30 but it took me way longer to actually get to the meetup spot than anticipated.  We finally arrived at 11 and talked to a few people.  Then the kids and I went on a couple quick rides before meeting our friends for lunch.  I had not told M her friend was coming, and if you have a 7 year old (or close to it) girl you will know why.  She was very excited and we had a great afternoon together.  I usually can only stand to stay a few hours when I take the kids alone, but we ended up staying until 7pm.  I'm not sure who was more exhausted, me or the kids, but my legs are not thanking me today.  

We did complete about half of our core, so I will finish up next week.  DH will hopefully help me complete the big Roman bridge activity this weekend and I will post pictures next week.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rome to the Reformation (RTR) Week 5

Wow it seems like each week we get busier and busier.  I am going to try to update a little more on our non MFW curriculum this week.  We had a stressful week with our main studies so I am going to focus on the extras.

Tyler is currently using Math U See Gamma.  We used Horizons for about a year, but switched back to MUS.  After our short summer break I am having him review from the beginning of Gamma.  He actually seems to be doing much better after the break.  I found this same thing happened to him with addition.  He know how to do it, but could not come up with an answer on the spot.  Then about a month ago he started spouting off addition answers like he never had an issue.  This is a lesson in patience for me.

Maggie is still using Horizons.  She has suddenly decided she loves math.  She even asked me to give her addition problems to do today just for fun.  This is so exciting to me because I used to do the exact same thing when I was a little girl.  I guess I used to drive my parents crazy bugging them to give me multi-digit math problems.  Lucky for me we now have a computer to print those from and we also have a packet of extra math sheets just for this occasion.

Tyler is using Spelling Power.  Two years ago we did tried to do a simple workbook style spelling program.  We did make it about half the year but the daily tears and arguments just weren't worth the stress.  Last year we didn't even do a formal spelling program at all. This year we are using the recommended Spelling Power.   I was very hopeful because DS was willingly doing his spelling and not complaining.  However this week the tears were back. I am not sure why.  The spelling program only takes 10 minutes a day, but it does require T study the words for a few minutes and apparently that is too much work!  LOL I am thinking if I switch his spelling to earlier in the day it might help.

Maggie is using the recommended Spelling by Sight & Sound 2nd grade.  I was a little worried about the program because she is not a great reader.  However she is doing really well with it and enjoys it.  Well, actually she is still missing a lot of words, but it is helping her reading.

I started off using the recommended Primary Language Lessons and Intermediate Language Lessons.  After only a week I realized this was a bad decision.  In the past we have used First Language Lessons by Jessie Wise.  We really enjoyed the program, so I don't know why I talked myself into switching programs.  I have already switched Maggie back to FLL which I already own.  I need to decide what to do with Tyler.  I have the teacher's guide for FLL Level 3, but I am waiting for the workbook from my friend.  Still though I am looking for T to do more independent work so I am not sure what the long term solution is.  Does anyone have any suggestions for LA?  Combined, it is taking up so much time that I am really worried about getting it all done once the baby arrives in January.

This is our first year doing a formal writing program.  I knew T has an issue with the physical writing so I have not focused on this in the past.  Last year I had the kids write blog posts, but as you know Tyler's were mostly complaints about his day.  This year we are using Writing Strands.  T enjoys the creativity of the assignments, but still is having problems physically being able to complete the assignment.  I had him do some typing the other day and I have had him dictate some while I write.  I got some advice from the MFW boards and I think we will maybe just try to do this once a week or as we have time.

 We are still using Handwriting Without Tears.  Maggie is about to start the 2nd printing book and Tyler is finishing up the first cursive book.  HWOT is the first curriculum I ever bought and the only thing we have not changed since the beginning of our homeschooling.  It is simple,effective and can be done independently.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rome to the Reformation (RTR) Week 4

I will try to make this short and sweet since it is a few days late....

Week 4 went well.  We have rearranged some of our days to accommodate our new Co-Op.  We managed to fit everything into our week.  I have broken up the reading throughout the day which has also helped.  Our biggest issue right now is just fitting in school around all those extra activities and doctor appointments.  Unfortunately most of those are necessities and cannot be changed.

Here are a few other quick updates:

Math - I decided to have Tyler review all of his multiplication from the beginning.  This was a good idea.  He seems to understand and is doing very well on his work.  Maggie is doing really well with math.  Strangely if you vocally ask her she acts like she understands nothing, but on paper she is almost perfect working alone.

Reading - Maggie is SO improved.  I didn't really have her do anything over our month break.  We are now reviewing our reading curriculum and she also does an online reading site and has a new old school Reader.  All of these combined are really helping and the reader especially is giving her a lot of confidence.

More next week...

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY Monday September 5, 2011

Outside my window... Sunshine and a bunch of bikes and scooters laying in the yard

I am thinking... about what I need to buy to prepare for the baby.  I normally wouldn't be that concerned at 22 weeks, but I have heard so many stories of premature births lately it has put me in a panic.  I cannot stand to be unprepared and I at least need a written list to feel secure.

I am thankful for... a healthy pregnancy

From the learning rooms... Week 6 of MFW  I have a feeling it might be a long week.  We are 1 hour into our Monday and I am about to pull my hair out.

From the kitchen... whatever DH brings home from the grocery store.  However we are also trying to do a batch cooking day.  DH made waffles and later we are making breakfast burritos, breakfast cookies, and hamburger soup.   

I am wearing... lounging pants and an old shirt.  I am desperately in need of pants that fit :(  I bought a new maternity outfit off ebay that I really liked but the pants are too tight.

I am creating... another new ToDo list.  I found a new app "Producteev" and I think it might work for me.  I have been trying to find something I could easily access from all my different electronic devices.  That has not been easy since they all work on different operating systems, but I think this might work.  Of course I can't easily access it from my Palm Pre, but that is about to be retired so I won't worry about the phone.

I am going... nowhere special this week.  Sometime in the next few weeks I hope to see a movie with a friend and spend a Mommy and Daughter day with Maggie.

I am reading... nothing because I unwisely sped thru the 4 books I got from the library last week and spent the Holiday weekend with nothing to read.  I still can't figure out why the library needs to close on Saturday for the Monday holiday.  Frustrating!

I am hoping... that DH and I manage to accomplish all that we want to do today:  batch cooking, schoolwork, catching up on science and watching a DVD from Netflix we have had for 2 weeks.  DH also needs to go to the grocery but he is sucked into the end of one of the Harry Potter books.  I can't say I blame him.  It is hard to put down a good book.

I am hearing... the kids playing outside now.  I had to kick them out because they were having trouble concentrating on school.

Around the house...  Last week's new chore "system" worked pretty well.  The kids want to switch their jurisdiction each week so we will see how it goes.  Tyler did very well on his bathroom last week, but Maggie had problems sweeping the kitchen.  

One of my favorite things... My timer.  Unfortunately I dropped it on the floor last week and now it won't work.  I am very bummed.  It didn't crack or anything, so I am not sure why it won't work.

A few plans for the rest of the week..PE, HS Co-Op, Play date, Art Co-Op