FOR TODAY Monday February 20, 2012
Outside my window... Maggie playing with the neighbor and his new dog.
I am thinking... about how I can accomplish all I need to do with a baby in tow
I am thankful for... the sleep I got last night
From the learning rooms... We finally started to add our main history curriculum back in this week. I am not sure how quickly we will get thru it, but at least we are moving forward.
From the kitchen... Jeff is making a salad and steaks as I write this.
I am wearing... yoga pants and a long sleeved T-shirt
I am creating... not alot. I am leery to start trying to get anything new done so I am just trying to clean up the messes and piles from the past month.
I am going... to my 6 week follow up appointment tomorrow and possibly take myself to lunch.
I am reading... nothing, although my Mom keeps handing me books and telling me how good they are. Then she rolls her eyes at me when I tell her I don't have time to read.
I am hoping... the baby doesn't scream on my drive tomorrow
I am hearing... Maggie outside, the dryer buzzing and my Mom making lots of racket with the dishes
Around the house... I really didn't get a whole lot done today despite the baby sleeping alot. I did manage to wash my diapers and make the bed.
One of my favorite things... my bed which has felt extra comfortable the past several day
A few plans for the rest of the week... PE, Co-Op and park day as usual. Also an appointment tomorrow and Jeff is running his first 5K on Saturday.