Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rome to the Reformation (RTR) Week 2

Well first let me say that we are technically 3 weeks into school, but we managed to get behind already and it took us 2 weeks to complete Week 2 of My Father's World.  I am a little concerned about how to schedule our year with doctor appointments, field trips and the occasional fun day thrown into the mix.  Last year we weren't using a true curriculum, so it was easy for me to adjust our days as needed.  We have also decided to join a local homeschool co-op that will be meeting on Thursdays.  This will basically take a whole day away from our curriculum already.  That is not a catastrophe as RTR has very light Fridays so we will just switch and do our Thursday work on Friday.  However now we don't have the leeway for the rest of the week if we get behind.  Maybe this is not a big deal to more relaxed people, but I am a list checker and I really want to check off all of our assignments each week.  Oh, what to do???

Anyway, on to our second week.  We did start a new history book Augustus Caesar's World.  It is somewhat less dry than the other books, but a little advanced for the 2nd and even 4th grader.  They are supposed to narrate the chapter back to me, and they have a hard time with this aspect.  I am hoping it is just a learning curve, although we have done some narration in the past.  Also, there is A LOT for me to read each day.  Others may disagree, but I get very tired doing read alouds and 2 "chapters" in ACW plus usually 2 other history texts and sometimes adding in a science chapter is really more than I can do in a day.  That is very tough for me and how I got behind on week 2.

On a good note I did meet someone this week who uses MFW and uses my favorite planner from last year.  I had to ordered the planner because MFW uses a grid system and I was afraid I would not be able to fit all I needed to into the planner.  I was glad to see that someone else is making it work for them.  I have been relying on the grid for 3 weeks and having a hard time with it visually.  Everything is written down, but not in a pleasant way to me, so I broke down and ordered the planner.  I received it yesterday and have already entered everything done so far and my plans for next week.  I can already see this is going to work out so much better for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi D!

I've heard many good things about that'll have to keep us updated on how well it works for your family. I'm squishing 1st onto our 1850-MOD grid!

Just stopping by to let you know Homeschool Highlights in MFW will start next Thursday. Hope you can join us!

Kathi & Kattie

Guidelines for Homeschool Highlights in MFW: